Is it really that easy?

Yes, yes it is.

We make Realtors look good.

Our job is to make you look good. Period.

The Connection Company presents our complimentary service as a benefit of being your client. We provide value-added, concierge-level service on your behalf, at no cost to you.

We make Buyers happy.

Buyers save 5-8 hours and endless stress.

Buyers have a lot on their plate, and we are here to help! Buyers will confidently choose services with expert guidance. We don't "sell" your buyers what they don't need - we connect your buyers so they walk into their new home, and everything is handled.

How it works

01 — Request

The only thing you need to do! About 15 days before Closing, Buyer information is sent to The Connection Company via templated email, online form, or Zapier/API. Don’t worry, this is our specialty!

02 — Research

The Consultant does extensive, expert pre-research on available utilities and home services for the property. Long-standing relationships with providers across the country allow us to offer the best prices, packages, and highest level of service.

03 — Consult

On a scheduled call, the Consultant will provide a menu of services with easy comparisons and expert guidance to help make the best selection. We ensure the buyer has complete information on all connections and appointments. If a service provider does not allow us to fully set up an account, we provide direct links, phone numbers, and instructions for the buyer to follow.

04 — Connect

We set up accounts and installation appointments - done and done! It really is that easy. Happy clients = Increase referrals & returning business

connected. happy. home.